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Pet Travel Certification

Pet Travel Certification

Pet Travel Certification

Owners wishing to take their pets to the E.U. or Northern Ireland (N.I.) require an Animal Health Certificate for each trip; issued by a specially accredited vet.

Please contact us at least 2 months before you plan to travel as the process can take several weeks. Contact us at travel@linksvet.co.uk.

What does my pet need in order to travel to the E.U. or N.I.?

  • Animal Health Certificate issued no more than 10 days before travel (Or a Pet Passport that was issued in an E.U. country - not the UK)
  • Microchip
  • Rabies vaccination (at least 21 days before travel, and when the pet was at least 12 weeks old). Note: Animal Health Certificates cannot be signed until at least 21 days after the first Rabies vaccination.
  • Tapeworm treatment if travelling to Finland, Northern Ireland, Ireland or Malta (to be given and certified by a vet 24-120 hours before entry to E.U./N.I.)
  • Tapeworm treatment when returning to the UK (to be given 24-120 hours before entry to the UK), and therefore will require a visit to a vet within the E.U./N.I.

Entry to the E.U. must be through a Traveller’s Point of Entry – see more info here.

What do I need to do?

1.      Email us at travel@linksvet.co.uk as soon as you know that you wish to travel with your pet.

2.     We’ll send you a form to complete and return to us

3.     We’ll also arrange a certification appointment for you

How long does it take to get an Animal Health Certificate?

  • When Rabies vaccinations are required: Please allow 8 weeks
  • Where Rabies vaccinations are completely up-to-date: Please allow 6 weeks

But we recommend that you contact us as soon as you decide that you’d like to travel with your pet.

How long does and Animal Health Certificate last?

An Animal Health Certificates is valid for 4 months, and can be used to re-enter the UK as long as it is no more than 4 months since it was issued. 

They are valid for one single trip, and a new certificate is required for each and every trip to the E.U. or Northern Ireland.

Where do I go for more information?

For full guidance visit the government website HERE  Or contact Pet Travel Scheme helpline pettravel@apha.gov.uk Telephone: 0370 241 1710 Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5.00 pm (closed on bank holidays) Find out about call charges  

For information regarding travelling with pets to Northern Ireland click here
